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Giving Guide


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Elevating Awareness &
Connecting Donors


The Greater Houston Community Foundation Giving Guide of Houston Black-led Organizations is an online resource created to share information and raise awareness in the philanthropic community about how you can support Black-led organizations. With this guide, we’ve made it easy for you to find the causes that align with your charitable goals. You can browse Black-led organizations by categories including arts and culture, education, environment, housing, and more.



Nonprofit Categories


Arts & Culture

Houston’s vibrant creative community has tremendous benefits for both our economy and our diverse population.







Understanding disasters helps us minimize risks, mitigate impacts, and improve our response, ensuring a swift recovery for all, especially the vulnerable.



Fundamental to our existence are clean air, potable water, and temperatures being “just right” on Earth. And while eight billion people share this planet, most environmental impacts are felt locally — and unevenly.

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Civic Engagement

When Houstonians stay connected and engaged, we cultivate trust and achieve more as a region.





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Economic Opportunity

Access to fundamental elements of financial stability such as jobs, credit and entrepreneurial resources are essential to ensuring that all Houstonians can contribute to the building of a vibrant, equitable Houston.



The physical and mental health and well-being of all Houstonians is essential to a thriving, equitable region.

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Community Context/Development

Population growth, family composition, diversity and public safety provides us with valuable insight into how our communities are doing.



The benefits of an education extend not only to earnings, health and quality of life, but also to future generations and the collective well-being and economy of our region.





Access to affordable and safe housing is critical to the health, quality of life, and well-being of all residents.


Greater Houston Community Foundation Logo
Understanding Houston Logo

In particular, we want to honor and uplift the following individuals and organizations for their valuable contributions.

We honor...

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